Monday, December 10, 2007

Thou Shalt Not Kill

In the poetry that I was reading today, it said that there is a time to die, a time to eat, and a time to kill. I thought about the phrase a time to kill and I started to ask some questions. Thou shalt not murder is one of the ten commandments so I originally thought that killing was wrong no matter what. Then I asked myself, is the war we are fighting today wrong? Are we actually murdering innocent people in the war? Is it necessary? I use to think that the war was very wrong but now I don't. Now I think that the war is very necessary. The reason that I do is because when the terrorist came to America my home country and tried to destroy it and kill a lot of our innocent people for no reason except the fact that they just plain out hated us is so stupid. That is when I think it is right to kill, when you are defending your own country. I also feel bad for the troops over seas that are having to kill those people and are going to have to live with that for the rest of there lives and I am very thankful for those men and women. Another time I think there is a time to kill is when a police officer has to shoot someone because they have no other choice. Especially when there is a hostage or another life at stake. Then the police has to make the choice and it was me I would hope that the police officer would shoot the man who is wanting to take my life so that I would live. If you think about it, back during Jesus' time they fought wars in order to save their country. So there is a certain time to kill. So I wrote this poem.
I looked at the brave man
He wanted to talk to me
I noticed he didn't have a leg
He said,
I once thought it wrong to kill
Until they came here without any will
They took my whole family down
In that air plane coming to that large town
My wife called for one last time.
I saw it on the news
And I cried
Then I knew what I had to do
I went to that terrible place
To do my job with no disgrace
I left my leg in that hell
Where I could tell
There was a time to kill

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Talk to Someone

They is so many different kinds of people in this world today it is unreal. But I am not talking about the Chinese or Europeans, I am talking about people with problems. For instance the Virginia Tech massacre. The man who did that was a complete sociopath. He went in and just shot people for no reason. His family didn't even know that anything was wrong with him. The man just kept his problems bottled all up inside of him and his family couldn't help him because they didn't have a clue what was wrong with him. If you have a problem that is all bottled up inside of you , you have to just let them out before you hurt your family, friends , other people, and most of all, you. When ever I have a problem I talk to my best friend in the world and she helps me through it. And my friend will talk to me about the things that she has done and ask me to help her out with different thing and I do. So that gives me comfort to know that I am never alone. Talk to someone and don't get hurt!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Do you have friends? If you do, do you take advantage of them? I know this guy and he is very popular and he has a lot of friends. Or does he? I know for sure that he just lost a good friend. I know because that great friend is one of my best friends, I would trust him with my life! But, back to the popular one. He treated this one guy like dirt and took advantage of him and my friend finally realized that and said something. I am so glad that he did because it was making me mad the way this other guy was treated him. This is a example of how friends turn bad on each other and of how you shouldn't take any crap off your friends and shouldn't contribute any either. So be a good friend so you won't lose others.

Friday, April 20, 2007

My Favorite Books

My English teacher had asked us what our favorite books are. My first book choice would be The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks. It has a little romance and a little mystery my two favorite things in a book. My next choice would be Looking for Alaska . It also has a little romance too. The next one would have to be Nancy Drew by Karoleen Ceene. It has a lot of mystery and the kids are our age. The next one would be The Princess Academy. It is a great book about kids our age. My last choice would be Looking for Eden it was good but boring. These books are great and I hope that you have a chance to read them.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Critiquing My Teacher

My English teacher is asking us to critique her and her teachings. So in our English class we do a lot of assignments. She is tough and very hard. She is also a very good teacher. When she teaches she will explain them as she goes and she will try to make sure you understand it. We do more than just verbs and nouns. We read stories and poetry. She has weird teaching habits though. But I wouldn't change them if I had a chance to. The reason why is that I learn more in her class more than I do in any other class that I have taken. My English teacher has a great personality. She doesn't take people seriously like some teachers do. I trust my English teacher and would tell her anything and know that she would not tell anyone and she would try to help me. So my English teacher is a very good teacher!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

What Would You Take With You

A few weeks ago my English teacher asked our class "If you were taken away from your home, what you have always known, what would you take with you? Many people said "I would take a phone or a gun." The question is ; why would you take those things with you? My teacher said those exact words to us and that made me think more about it. "If you took a gun you would be able to shoot them,"my classmates said. The only problem is there is to many Nazis to shoot. So I thought what do you love with all your heart and it is sentimental to you? So here are a few of my objects that I would take with me. A picture of my family. The reason why I chose a family photo is because you may get split up with your family and you may never get to see them again. So it that is just a memorandum. Another thing is my bible. So when you ever get discouraged you can read God's word. Then my teacher said, " Do you think other teachers should teach this to their students?" I think other teachers should because this lesson has made me a more patient, and thankful person. Everyday I am thankful for my life, the food I eat, my family, the house I live in and my school and teachers. I think other students an people around the world should be thankful too.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Bad Language

Today I was in the hall and I heard a very ugly thing. Someone said a very bad word. I think if you say those words you are making a bad image for yourself and Your younger siblings. If your brother or sister hears you say ugly words then they might repeat them. Then that is making a bad image for them as well. So if you use that ugly language you need to try to quit or just at least try to cut back.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

The Devil

All this week during class we have watched movies on the Holocaust. On one movie it showed how the Nazis hurt and killed people. I was thinking why do people do things like that. Then I thought, because the devil got to there souls. Take Hitler for example, he was like a hiding place for the devil. But it is also the other peoples fault too. They had a choice to kill those innocent people. In my opinion the Nazis were as much of a devil as Hitler. But you have to remember, Hitler was a hub for the devil and the other people listened. The good Lord took care of the war and he will take care of all the other people too.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Today we watched a movie about the Holocost. I was thinking about how in this year everyone is judgeing people these days. Like some white people judge black peaple, and how different races judge other races. I thought to myself if you read the Bible and if you're a Christian then you don't need to judge other people. The Bible clearly says that we are brothers and sisters in Christ. So that means if you are white and you judge blacks then you are making fun of or talking about your brother or sister in Christ. But I am also guilty along with thousands of people. So when you are thinking about judging other people by their race, color, or religion, just think about Jesus Christ our Lord and savior.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Mother Daughter Relationships

Today our class started the movie The Diary of Anne Frank. It showed the place where she stayed. I don't know if I could stand it if I were her. The Vandans were very mean to her. But there is one thing that me and Anne are alike in. Anne doesn't get along with her mom. I don't either. We always argue with each other. But I don't like the way that Anne talk's to her mother. I think that Anne forgets that she is talking to her mother. I do that sometimes but not all the time like Anne did. But I never can forget is that my mother loves me through thick and thin and would do anything for me.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Leave Us Alone

Today in Anne Frank we were reading about how Anne and Peter's relationship has changed and how everyone else has changed. Anne and Peter's relationship has changed drastically. At the beginning of the story, Peter called Anne, quack, quack. But now they are in a more serious relationship. In the story Anne is getting her sister, Margot, to make her a skirt and she is getting all dressed up. But since they are hiding in a very small area, they don't really have any privacy. Anne's mother doesn't like Anne going in there so much and Peter's mom doesn't like it either. So Mrs. Frank went into Anne's room to talk to her. Anne told her mother to go away and she wouldn't. If I was Anne I couldn't stand not having any privacy. So Anne went to go into Peter's room, but Mrs. Vaan Dan wanted to talk to Peter. Peter wouldn't talk to her, so Anne went in. As I see what Anne has gone through I don't know if I could stand it or not. If I were Anne I would just say, leave us alone!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


During class today we were reading the diary of Anne Frank. Then I started to think who I would be able to tolerate if I was in Anne's position. My classmates and I had to write seven people down for our English teacher earlier this month. Most of my classmates put their friends because they said that they couldn't stand their parents. I don't understand! Who fixes some of their food? Who pays for some of their clothes? Who cares about you and wants you to do your very best? All of the answers are, you guest it, your parents. So here is who I would stay with in our hideout. My mom, my dad, my aunt, my uncle, my nana, my pawpaw, and my cousin. That is who I love with all my heart and would hide with forever, because I love them.