Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Do you have friends? If you do, do you take advantage of them? I know this guy and he is very popular and he has a lot of friends. Or does he? I know for sure that he just lost a good friend. I know because that great friend is one of my best friends, I would trust him with my life! But, back to the popular one. He treated this one guy like dirt and took advantage of him and my friend finally realized that and said something. I am so glad that he did because it was making me mad the way this other guy was treated him. This is a example of how friends turn bad on each other and of how you shouldn't take any crap off your friends and shouldn't contribute any either. So be a good friend so you won't lose others.

Friday, April 20, 2007

My Favorite Books

My English teacher had asked us what our favorite books are. My first book choice would be The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks. It has a little romance and a little mystery my two favorite things in a book. My next choice would be Looking for Alaska . It also has a little romance too. The next one would have to be Nancy Drew by Karoleen Ceene. It has a lot of mystery and the kids are our age. The next one would be The Princess Academy. It is a great book about kids our age. My last choice would be Looking for Eden it was good but boring. These books are great and I hope that you have a chance to read them.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Critiquing My Teacher

My English teacher is asking us to critique her and her teachings. So in our English class we do a lot of assignments. She is tough and very hard. She is also a very good teacher. When she teaches she will explain them as she goes and she will try to make sure you understand it. We do more than just verbs and nouns. We read stories and poetry. She has weird teaching habits though. But I wouldn't change them if I had a chance to. The reason why is that I learn more in her class more than I do in any other class that I have taken. My English teacher has a great personality. She doesn't take people seriously like some teachers do. I trust my English teacher and would tell her anything and know that she would not tell anyone and she would try to help me. So my English teacher is a very good teacher!!!